Packaging projects aren’t always the sexiest way to show off a copywriter’s chops. But ya know what? I’ve worked on a whole bunch of ‘em. Frankly, the designers are responsible for 99% of what makes these packages awesome. But even if I’m just the absentee father who stops in to contribute some words, or a conceptual note every now and again, they’re still my babies too. Here are a few boxes and bags I think turned out especially cool.
I actually got to name this product. They were THC pouches (Chronic) that kick in really fast (Pronto).
Designer: Drew Bentley
One of my favorites, partially because we got to establish a whole tone of voice that started with packaging and evolved through campaign work.
Designer: Silvia Skinner & Kent Ervin (If I remember, this was a team effort, so I really hope I don’t miss anyone)
I really wanted to put little holes in the bottom of the outer layer of this package so customers could rinse and strain their pasta anywhere. But idk, production costs are tricky.
Designer: Garrett Deheer
We started this project when I was just a pup, and honestly, I can’t remember who wrote which parts of it. I know my CD at the time, Andy Dutlinger, wrote on this project, too. But these are pretty sick, right? Is dirt allowed to look this cool?
Designer: Drew Bentley